Hoping provides grants of $6,000 and less to community projects working with Palestinian refugee children. Please note we only give grants to organisations and not to individuals.
Applying for a grant
Grants are provided to grassroots projects in Palestinian refugee camps to encourage and improve all aspects of children's lives. We will fund projects covering the following areas:
Educational, cultural, arts and music projects
Health and social welfare projects
Social and sporting activities
The forms below relate to applications under our Small Grants Programme. Please make sure you read all four documents, as well as our Safeguarding Policy before you submit your application.
You will require Adobe Acrobat available here as a free download.
Please return the completed application forms to hoping@hopingfoundation.org
English Applications:
Arabic Applications:
Small grants introduction (Arabic)
Small grants guidelines (Arabic)
Grant application form (Arabic)
Grants project report (Arabic)
Safeguarding Policy
Although HOPING does not work directly with children, it provides funding to other organisations that do. The Foundation seeks to ensure, through proportionate and reasonable due diligence, that grantees take their responsibility seriously and have safeguards in place to protect children from abuse of all kinds.
Safeguarding policy Safeguarding policy (Arabic)